Daylight savings time is in effect, the temperature is dropping, and I'm wishing I was in Florida or Arizona. Enough complaining. Thanksgiving will soon be here, and November is a good month to be thankful, focus on the positive and be grateful for all the good things in life. Try the November Thanksgiving Meditation to get you started.
I took a long weekend trip to Virginia Beach last weekend to visit my sister's family, which is in part why this post is a little late. At the recommendation of my friend Karen, we walked the Meditation Garden and the Labyrinth at the Edgar Cayce Research Institute. I hadn't walked a labyrinth before, so I was looking forward to it, and I enjoyed it. Can't explain why, but it is peaceful.
We have had some warm (for November) days, so I'm taking advantage of them by rebuilding my garden. Living next to a park, we have lots of deer, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, etc. that think the garden is their buffet. Not sure I'll get it done before winter sets in, but I'll be ready to finish in the spring. And yes, there are still a few things growing - spinach, dill, carrots and peas. I know it's unlikely, but I'm still holding out hope that we will get peas before the snow comes - I have some blossoms. Wouldn't peas fresh from the garden be awesome in November?