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Strawberry Chicken


The best thing to do with a fresh picked strawberry is pop it in your mouth.  Sadly, you can’t live on strawberries alone.  I stopped at Windsor Farm & Market this morning and bought a bunch of strawberries, so I’m incorporating them into dinner. 



2 chicken breasts

1 Tablespoon paprika

1 Tablespoon thyme

Salt and pepper to taste

2 Tablespoons coconut oil

1 ½ cups thickly sliced strawberries

2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar

2 Tablespoons coconut crystals


  • Mix paprika, thyme, salt and pepper in a small bowl.  Add chicken breasts to bowl and coat with spice mixture.

  • Heat coconut oil in pan over medium heat.  Add the chicken and cook each side for about 7 minutes per side.

  • Mix balsamic vinegar and coconut crystals in small bowl, stirring to partially dissolve the coconut crystals.

  • Add half the strawberries and the balsamic / coconut crystals mixture to the pan.  Cover and cook for 6 minutes. 

  • Add the remaining strawberries and cook for one more minute.

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