A year from now you'll wish you had started today.

Don't expect to see a change if you don't make one
What is Motivate ME!
Personalized Motivation - an email reminder tailored to your preferences
Affordability - $10/month, that’s about 33 cents per day
Accountability – keep track of your activities and send them in
Encouragement – reminders that progress is what matters, not perfection.
Convenient - use of email and phone or facetime
We all want to be healthy, but what does that mean and how do we get there? Webster’s defines health as “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; a flourishing condition”. Being healthy may mean that we don’t have any diseases or that we do all we can with nutrition and exercise to manage the symptoms of diseases. It might mean that we wake up feeling rested and have energy to carry us through the day.
Do you plan to exercise in the morning, but hit the snooze button too many times? Do you start your day by skipping breakfast and then wonder why you have no energy? Do you plan to walk around the block at lunch, but all you have time for is grabbing something to eat from the vending machine? Is your dinner what you can pick up on the way home? And your only physical activity all day was reaching out the car window at the fast food drive through or walking to the elevator?
All day long you make little choices and those little choices add up to your habits, which become your lifestyle. Is your lifestyle leading you towards being healthy or being unhealthy?
You probably already know many of the things that you should do to be healthier – making healthy food choices, getting adequate sleep, and getting regular exercise. Knowing them is one thing…..but doing them, not always so easy. Maybe you need a little (or a lot of) motivation to be active and eat a healthy diet. I am an NASM (National Sports Academy of Medicine) certified Weight Loss Specialist and Behavior Change Specialist and I can help with:
Personalized Motivation - an email reminder tailored to your preferences
Affordability - $10/month, that’s about 33 cents per day
Accountability – keep track of your activities and send them in
Encouragement – reminders that progress is important, not perfection.
Need a little more motivation and hands on communication? Contact me at fitandhealthin5@hotmail.com for other options.