What is the 5-minute fit and healthy challenge?
I challenge you to find 5 minutes each day to do some sort of physical activity to start you on your journey to being fit and healthy.
You want to be fit and healthy, but where do you start? Everywhere you look you find answers....sometimes so many answers that it is overwhelming. Many of us get motivated and try to implement everything at one time and end up frustrated. We give up.
This blog is intended to help you take one 5-minute step at a time. I know you are busy, but taking care of yourself is important. If you can find 5 minutes in your day to focus on being fit and healthy, I will tell you what to do with those 5 minutes.
Each week will have 3 days of cardio, 2 days "weights"/resistance training, and 2 days of stretching/meditation. Videos will be up for one month to allow you to become familiar with the choreography and proper form. New videos will be posted each month so you don't get bored and to work different parts of the body. Don't have weights, exercise gadgets, or work out clothes? That's ok, you don't need them. But, if new yoga pants help your motivation, go for it.
Over time, these 5 minute activities will become habits. Eventually, you might extend your activities to 10 or 20 minutes. If you want permanent results, you need to make permanent changes.
Hold yourself accountable. Keep a log of your accomplishments. It can be as simple as putting a check mark on the calendar, or you can make a spreadsheet if that's your thing. Challenge a friend to join you and keep each other accountable. Post your accomplishments in the comment section.
I look forward to our 5 minutes together!
